How YOU can Make a Difference This May

“It is in our hands to make a difference.” – Nelson Mandela

Despite the enormous challenge posed by global issues, such as the climate crisis, it takes one person to recognise change needs to happen for them to inspire others to follow suit.

If we look at history for reference, there have been a plethora of inspirational figures who have marked pivotal changes which have impacted us today. Nelson Mandela was the first Black president fighting for anti-Apartheid legislation in South Africa- Mandela saw fit in the moment to confront the deep-seated social discrimination and pioneer change for the better. Whilst Mandela may be exceptional, he is a brilliant example to illustrate how change can come from the individual.

Here at ecoegg, our eqqquarters work hard each day to make BIG changes starting from a small business. Whilst we are not quite a Nelson Mandela, we are proud of our drive and ambition to help save the planet. One ecoegg at a time.

We hope to inspire others to care about the planet as much as we do !

Here are a few ways YOU can make a difference this May.


1. Sweat the small stuff!

A little change can mean a LOT of change. Classically, people assume a healthy lifestyle equates to nourishing your body with an avalanche of good for you foods. In terms of helping the planet- this mindset of actively making healthy choices is much of the same.

The little choices we make may not seem like they make a difference, but they are fundamental in mobilising larger social and environmental change. The UK’s carbon footprint PER PERSON estimates around 10 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year; this highlights you can make a difference just by the choices you make daily.


This may seem like an obvious one, but it is SO important. 55.8% of the UK’s plastic packaging waste WAS NOT recycled in 2021. This means over half of the disposed plastic is sitting in landfills and this can take up to 1,000 years to completely decompose… scary!!!

Recycling that little bit of packaging may feel like a chore but preserving our Earth is worth it so make that conscious effort!


If all else fails, and sometimes it does – reuse is your answer.

Ideally this is the solution to combat the plastic problem but with a prevailing plastic industry, this does not seem possible. The recycling system is flawed- difficult to manage and hard to monitor how much plastic is genuinely being recycled. Too many miscommunications, it is the ultimate toxic relationship. We! Just! Don’t! Know!

As frustrating as it is, reusing is the angel sent from heaven. Part of ecoegg’s mission is to enforce the importance of reusing and encourage our eco listeners to join and impact our message! Our ecoegg Laundry Eggs are reusable and come with a 10- year guarantee to tackle head- first the plastic problem and its broken system of recycling.


Time to cut corners and save your energy household bills right down to the minutiae of ways to do so.

To name a few simple but well practised lullaby’s- stick to cold washes for conserving energy, switch off lights where appropriate (i.e., when you are not in the room). These are examples of you looking after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves.

All these household habits are easy to do daily and if you have a very busy schedule and struggle to do more than this- you are STILL helping 😊 Plus, it is only natural to mention here that our ecoegg laundry egg works perfectly in a cold wash 😉


Trees are notoriously precious on this Earth. The miraculous `wood wide web`- a network of underground communication between the trees- is an example of how truly amazing nature is. More than this, trees are nature’s way of combatting the carbon dioxide warming up our Earth- they quite literally eat up CO2 for breakfast (sounds scrumptious).  

If trees are looking out for us, it is only right that we look out for them. Reduce your usage of tree-made products, there are various products now which promote this. Our own ecoegg bamboo towels have no tree or paper materials, solely made of 90% bamboo fibres and 10% corn starch.

It would be difficult to completely avoid the paper industry, but you can certainly limit your use. Make conscious choices during your weekly shop – choose sustainable brands instead of those promoting wasteful packaging, choose products which you can refill rather than having to buy the same product with the same amount of packaging- the market is becoming increasingly eco-conscious. You can also make it fun- exchange books with your friends in a quirky way to reuse or re-own paper products.

2. Bigger changes

If you have the small changes under lock and key and are looking to expand your horizons with more active change- there are plenty of ways to go about this.

Bigger change generally entails a larger number of people coming together to illustrate the need for bigger change- because whilst impactful change can be done by the individual, we are stronger in numbers meaning we can influence initiative from the big dogs above.


Members of our ecoegg team are joining various local `big ocean clean-ups` whereby we will spend a couple of hours in each event scouring the coastline for leftover rubbish causing harm to wildlife and polluting the environment.

As you can probably tell, I can’t emphasise the plastic problem enough. Each minute, the equivalent of a truckload of plastic pollutes the oceans. There will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050. Currently, around 3.5 trillion fish are living in the ocean- now THAT’S a lot of plastic. The statistics are staggering to think about, and it begs the question of who and how we are going to mobilise such imperative change. By drawing together to fight this we can save our Earth instead of destroying it.



Giving back to nature is the highest of all love languages. There is beauty found in our surroundings. By planting and generating growth on our earth, we open pathways to accompany new ecosystems, promote biodiversity and combat deforestation. Plant a tree, plant flowers or vegetables- encourage growth of new habitats and watch it flourish with pride and knowledge that you are supporting our Earth.

Something as little in thought as saving the bees. If you see a bee fighting for it’s life, don’t walk past it- get some sugar or a flower to revive the bee to it’s natural buzzing state!


Saving the Earth does not have to be a big gesture- of course it helps and there are organised groups out there doing some amazing things for the environment. So whether you join those activists or you are an activist within- your mindset means EVERYTHING and in time our planet with THANK YOU.
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