Category Blog

The Rise of CleanTok


During the Covid -19 pandemic, the dreaded lockdown (or shall we say multiple lockdowns) ensued. Whether they were students grappling with online education or employees navigating the furlough scheme, everyone sought ways to pass the time within the confines of…

Spongebob x Ecoegg

MAKING WAVES to help the planet Diving into a partnership as natural as the deep blue sea (minus the ocean plastic). ecoegg x SpongeBob SquarePants: Operation Sea Change – where values align for a cleaner, greener future. LEARN MORE ©…

5 Top Tips For A Green Christmas 🌲

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5 Top tips for a green christmas 🌲 72% of UK residents are keen to reduce their plastic waste this Christmas (GWP, 2023). Here are a handful of ways in which we can put the wishful thoughts into action. 1.…

Sustainable Halloween Tricks


Halloween – the annual event where it is the norm to scare the bejesus out of strangers, no matter the age. Gruesomely entertaining and gifted with an abundance of free sweets… what could be could better!! Unfortunately, the sugar highs…

ecoegg’s 15 Year Anniversary

laundry eggs in a row

Saving the Earth doesn’t HAVE to be a grand gesture – we know David Attenborough can inspire moments where we convince ourselves we will solve the worlds issues by the eleventh hour; but sadly, we aren’t living in the fictional…

Plastic Free July

pollution plastic iceberg

5 ways to reduce YOUR plastic consumption This July. Plastic once was a phenomenon for being the first affordable, non biodegradable material – has now become a stubborn menace plaguing our environment. Each year, 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced…

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